The British Nationality Act of 1948 ratified the existing situation, but created no new rights or obligations as there had never been a distinction between citizenship and nationality of the subjects of the Monarch and all Commonwealth citizens were subjects of the Monarch.
The faith in the 19c in free trade and the free flow of goods and labour and services within the Empire did not admit of distinctions. The ideal of Empire followed by that of Commonwealth was imagined to be the strengthened by all being united by a set of common rights and obligations. As the Dominions were given self-rule the people remained British subjects, but the colonies gained control over their people and of immigration. every British subject had the right to enter Britain, to vote, stand for Parliament and join the forces
Immigration is not an ideological conflict between left and right, but practical people using common sense and Utopians pursuing unrealistic ends which ignored human nature.
David Renton told the House of Commons on 5th December 1958: “It was not due to a deliberate act of policy formally announced and embodied in our law. It is not even a policy which gradually grew up and became established by custom, so far as I have been able to discover. It is simply a fact which we have taken for granted from the earliest days in which our forebears ventured forth across the seas.”
From 1951 Utopians tried to change human nature by legislation. An early example of Governmental “positive discrimination” was in 1951 when Tom Driberg asked Minister of Food, Mr.Webb “If he would reaffirm the ruling by his predecessor that licenses of caterers be revoked if they operate racial discrimination.” Dugdale asked Churchill, to ensure official hospitality is not provided or accepted in any hotel that operates a colour bar,” ”I do not propose to offer new instructions.”
Also in 1951 the first attempt at introducing laws against their own people was Reginald Sorensen’s (L) anti-colour bar bill. Fenner Brockway (later Lord) (L) made nine attempts to introduce a bill against “race discrimination” in successive years through the 1950’s and 60’s
The Empire Windrush excited comment and as it was heading across the Atlantic Tom Driberg (L.) remarked on the shortage of employment here. The Secretary of State for the Colonies, Creech Jones (L) explained that the Jamaicans had booked their own passages and the employment situation had been explained to them but were prepared to take their chances. (2) It docked on the 22 June 1948, and two days later, J.D.Murray and ten other Labour MP’s wrote to Prime Minister Clement Atlee, asking for legislation to prevent an influx. Atlee replied, that he thought they would “make a genuine contribution to our labour difficulties at the present.”
The Conservatives were also divided. Just before giving up the Premiership because of a stroke Churchill told the owner of the Spectator, Ian Gilmour:” I think it is the most important issue facing this country but I cannot get the Cabinet to take any notice.” – Inside Right. A study of Conservatism, Ian Gilmour( Quartet. 1977)
There were 2 who agreed with him in the cabinet the fifth Marquess of Salisbury and Oliver Lyttleton wanted to legislate to close the loophole that allowed any Commonwealth citizen automatic right of entry; while, Maxwell-Fyfe, Lord Swinton and others considered deportation for criminals sufficient Oliver Lyttleton “ Wanted to impose a deposit of £500 on immigrants “if there is to be any means of controlling the flow of coloured people who come here largely to enjoy the benefits of the welfare state.” He asked officials to list the disparity in mutual admissions between Britain and other commonwealth countries. Many had entry quotas, thirty had entry permit systems or even required prior permission before entry for residence and some even dictation tests.
Commonwealth immigration into this country was one-sided: In…Frederick Erroll(C) asked the Under Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations to publish a list of Commonwealth countries, which limit the entry of British nationals, he demurred, “Most of the Governments have powers to restrict the entrance of British subjects.”
The first cabinet discussion was in 1952 after a debate on magistrates.
The National Assistance Board reported that between September 1949 and August 1950 twenty colonials were repatriated. It was said that in 1949 in Liverpool, Stepney and Teeside there was already a significant number of unskilled, white unemployed.
There is a note of an informal meeting held in the room of Lord Munster on the 6th of April 1954 where Lord Swinton called for a bipartisan approach with Labour, "Nothing could be worse than to put half the Commonwealth and all the Labour party against us on a difficult issue. This was followed by a meeting between party spokesman on Colonial affairs in the Lords when Lord Listowel, former Labour secretary of State for India supported the restriction of Commonwealth immigrants and a bipartisan approach, "Everything should be done to stop the matter becoming party politics." Note of an informal meeting at the Home Office on 12th of April 1954. both in(CAB124/1191)
In cabinet in October 1954 Churchill told Home Secretary Maxwell-Fyfe, “ that the problems arising from the immigration of coloured people required urgent and serious consideration.” Maxwell-Fyfe emphasised that there is no power to prevent these people entering no matter how much the number may increase. There was a loophole in British Nationality that allowed any commonwealth citizen automatic entry and with cheaper travel and the magnet of the welfare state, many wanted to take advantage. This was the theme of debate.
Churchill foresaw, “The rapid improvement in communications was likely to lead to the continuing increase in the number of coloured people coming to this country, and their presence here would sooner or later come to be resented by large sections of the British people.” However, he did not think “the problem had assumed sufficient proportions to enable the Government to take adequate counter-measures.”
Frank Allaun (L) asked Home Secretary, in April 1956, to “consider helping West Indians by giving advice on arrival concerning jobs, industrial re-training and housing problems rather than leaving it to charitable institutions as at present.”(17)
Even then there race riots in three English areas as warning signs which the rulers ignored. In 1948 between 31 July and 2August in Liverpool – two weeks after the Windrush docked. Then the following year in Deptford on the 18th July and Birmingham between the 6th and 8th of August.
Thomas Reid (L), who had spent 25 years in the Ceylon Civil Service and was a former Financial Commissioner in the Seychelles, was told by Churchill,” Governments of most colonial territories have powers to restrict the entrance of British immigrants” (Vol.523. He also wanted to know how many had taken permanent residence Maxwell-Fyfe, ”Such information is not available.”(3)
MP’S also wanted to know how many unemployed immigrants were in their cities: In 1948, Mr.W.Griffiths (L) asked how many men of East and West African and West Indian origin are registered as unemployed in Manchester and what were the comparable figures for 1945, 1946 and 1947, and was told by Mr.Ness Edwards that the statistics are not available. In 1951,Mrs. (Bessie) Braddock asked Anuerin Bevan, about how many immigrants were signing-on in Liverpool, as they were having considerable difficulty finding employment and was told “There are no separate records; Woodrow Wyatt, asked about Birmingham, in 1955.
There was a view that immigrants were dragging standards down but there was no help from national Government and local councils had to struggle to cope with the influx at a time when they were busy with slum clearance which was set-back. Immigrants had to exist on welfare benefits, live in overcrowded conditions and were exploited by their own people who had bought up large Victorian houses in inner cities. Few local authorities had accommodation for them and only began teaching English, training nurses in foreign languages and limiting overcrowding after the 1961 Housing Act.
In 1953, Rupert Spier(C) wondered how many Aliens had had free treatment on the NHS in the previous 12 months and was palmed off, by Conservative Minister of Health Iain Macleod, “I regret this information is not available.” “In early 1954, Kenneth Robinson Labour asked the Mr. Macleod, what measures he was taking about immigrants with TB and was told, “Action would be too expensive to make it worthwhile.” (12) Seven years later at a fringe meeting during the 1961 Tory conference Macleod, now Colonial Secretary, announced, ” I believe, quite simply in the brotherhood of man – men of all races, all colours, all creeds.” (13) In 1960 one of Macleod’s speeches “One World” was published by the Conservative Political Centre.
Sir. Somerville Hastings (L) remarked, it is hard for these people arriving in large numbers with wives and families without notice and needing accommodation; the problem existed in Brixton too and MP Marcus Lipton(L) warned… and Sir.H.Williams() that in Croyden many were housed in the International Language Club. Mr.Dugdale complacently, “The present system is adequate.”
Driberg asked if the immigrants were being helped with jobs, accommodation and welfare as were the European Voluntary Worker’s. Mr. Ness Edwards, stated that the immigrants, “come on their own initiative.” Three Conservatives in 1954 asked practical questions. Sir Waldron Smithers asked if it was the Governments policy to import unemployment.” In October William Steward was told that “there are no statistics for the number of immigrants,” and Peter Remnant that immigrants could draw National Assistance straightaway.
Asked if Jamaica were sending their criminals, and was told,”they actively discourage it. Lipton asked “How do they and was fobbed-off: “I must get on.”
Cyril Osborn(C) intended to call for limitations in 1955 under the 10-minute rule, but, Cabinet records show, his party put pressure on him to drop it. (10) His own Government attacked his efforts in private members debates in both 1958 and 1961 and pressured him to soften his 1965 attempt of 2 March. He told the Grimsby Telegraph that he expected to be ganged upon by both sides. (38
Sir J.Lucas(C). asked if machinery existed for Jamaica to know how many immigrants had criminal records Mr.Lennox-Boyd (later Lord Boyd) replied, ”there is not”. (11) M.Stewart (L) was concerned that local authorities could not cope and thought Government should give a lead, but was dismissed ”this matter is actively being considered” by Mr.Hopkinson (later Lord Colyton), Secretary of State for the Colonies.
Sir F.Medlicott was told by an indifferent Major Lloyd-George that it was “not practicable to ensure the immigrants welfare”(11)
Marcus Lipton, (L.), persistently questioned Tory ministers about integration. Mr.Lennox - Boyd told him it was not appropriate to suggest to colonial Governments that they legislate to reduce immigration.” The Government left assimilation to ill-equipped local authorities. In 1954 Lipton led a deputation from Lambeth Borough Council to the Home Office proposing ways of helping immigrants on arrival, like transit camps to instruct them on British life. In reply to the Queen’s speech of 1958 he said, “It cannot be left to local authorities who are already overburdened.”(14)
John Hynd (L) got a 30-minute adjournment debate on the 5th of November 1954, “One day recently700 embarked from Jamaica without…any prospect of work, housing or anything else.” He also excused the colour bar in Sheffield dance halls because of the knife fights.
“When all this has been said, however, it cannot be held that the same difficulties arise in the case of the Irish as in the case of coloured people. For instance an Irishman looking for lodgings is, generally speaking, not likely to have any more difficulty than an Englishman, whereas the coloured man is often turned away. In facr, the outstanding difference is that the Irish are not – a different race from the ordinary inhabitants of Great Britain , and indeed one of the difficulties in any attempt to estimate the economic and social consequences of the influx from the Republic would be to define who are the Irish.”
(Report from the Committee on the Social and Economic problems arising from the Growing Influx into the United Kingdom of Coloured Workers from other Commonwealth Countries, Appendix2, draft statement on colonial immigrants, para3, 3 August 1955, CAB129/77)
As Commonwealth Secretary Earl Home, warned that they should not give the impression that Commonwealth citizens from India, Pakistan and Ceylon would be less favourably than those from the Dominions otherwise there could be retaliation.
(Colonial immigrants, memorandum by the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations) 2/9/1955, CAB127/77
At the Cabinet meeting of 3 November 1955, Alan Lennox-Boyd fought against legislation to stop Colonial subjects alone. This he claimed, would be would leave them open to accusations of racial discrimination and would harm our relations with the mooted West Indies and the future West Indian Federation of with the Commonwealth.
(Colonial immigratants, memorandum by the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations,2/9/1955)
In September 1955 a joint sub-committee of the London Labour Party executive and the L.C.C. Labour Group reported on immigration in London. It discussed housing and welfare but opposed “action by the Government to restrict immigration, but called for urgent Government action to assist the integration of immigrants”
Eden appointed a Committee of Ministers, of the Lord Chancellor, the Lord President, the Home Secretary, the Commonwealth Secretary, the Colonial Secretary and the Attorney-General “to consider what form legislation should take, if it were to be decided that legislation to control the entry into the United Kingdom of British subjects from overseas should be introduced; to consider also the intended effect of such legislation upon actual immigration, how any such control would be justified to Parliament and to the public, and to Commonwealth countries concerned; and to report to the Cabinet.”
(Colonial immigrants, note by the Prime Minister 20 November 1955, CAB 129/78)
In a Commons clash of 29 October 1958 Dr.Edith Summerskill, Labour front bench spokesman, asked Osborne if he would really stop sick people entering? He asked what, would there be any power to refuse a ship of Lepers from West Africa?” She replied, “I hope not” (18) Osborne remarked on the Utopians dream of “creating a multi-racial association that will be the envy of the world.” He instigated a debate on the 5th of December 1958 at which Labour spokesman Arthur Bottomley stated, “ We on this side are clear on our attitude to towards restricted immigration. We are categorically against it.”(19) Supporting Osborne Labour’s Frank Tomney, remarked on elected representatives ignoring their constituents. “We have been sent here by the electorate to give expression to issues which concern them.”
In May Osborne wrote to Labour leader Hugh Gaitskill who ignored him. His secretary responded, “The Labour Party is opposed to restriction of immigration as every Commonwealth citizen has the right as a British subject to enter this country.” (21) The deputy leader, George Brown, appointed Conservative MP Sir Aubery Jones to run his Prices and Incomes Board in 1965. Their views were also identical on immigration. On the 28th of March Brown told a meeting at Sheffield, “It is mad to talk of restricting immigration. Let them all come.” (24)
The practical view was Maurice Edelman (L) in a Daily Express feature, “Full stop! We Cannot Accept A Two-Nation System.” (25) George Rogers (L) told the Daily Sketch,” The Government must introduce legislation quickly to end the tremendous influx from the Commonwealth…Overcrowding has fostered vice, drugs, prostitution and the use of knives.”(26)
Norman Pannell addressed the Conservative conferences of 1958 and1961 on the perils of admitting criminals and the sick. In 1961 the debate was stage-managed with so little time was allowed that Osborne could not speak and stood outside in the rain handing out off-prints of a letter of his from the morning’s Telegraph. (28) Pannell remarked that though Butler had disagreed with limiting numbers, had agreed with his suggestion of deporting immigrants who commit crimes but nothing had been done.
The Commonwealth Immigrants Bill Second Reading on 16th November 1961 showed the cross-party nature of the opposite views. Frank Macleavy (L) said, “We cannot afford to be the welfare state for the whole Commonwealth , we have a responsibility to our own people from a trade-union pint of view.”(30) Trades unionist J.J.Mendelson retorted, “ Keep the Labour Movement out of this.” Furthermore, James MacColl, (L), “ the tradition of the Commonwealth only became interesting when they became part of the tremendous challenge to us to show what we could do to bring together peoples of different races in one great community.”(30) Conservative Nigel Fisher concurred, “it brings to an end the tradition of free entry for all citizens of the Commonwealth… it (is) inimical to our concept of a Multi-Racial Commonwealth.” (31)
He and Charles Royle (L), had been Co-Chairman of the British-Caribbean Association. Royle believed that the “only way we will achieve world peace is by “everyone becoming coffee-coloured.”(32)
An amendment were united two from the Tory right Robin Turton and John Biggs-Davison and two from the Labour left Michael Foot and Sidney Silverman.
1 Eminent Churchillians.Andrew Roberts. Wiedenfield and Nicholson.
(16 June1948, col.421)
3 Roberts. Op cit pp216-7
4 (3 June 1948 col.101)
5 Griffiths(Vol.452 15/June 1948. p 233
6 Vol.536 Wyatt
7 Vol.486. 12/4/51 Braddock
8 Hastings
9 Lipton
10 Sir.H.Williams
11 11 O
12 Driberg
13 Jamaica sending criminals
14 osborne on poles
15 Roberts. Op cit. p235
16 Pilkington
17 Lucas Vol.532.written answers
18 StewartVol.535. c958 7/4/55
19 Medlicott (7/4/55
20 Inside Right A study of Conservatism. Quantam1977. p134
21 Driberg Vol.486. 4/4/51
22 New Statesman, Spotlight Column, written by Anthoney Howard. 1961.
23 Tory conference
24 Lipton Vol.531
25 Allaun.April 1956
26 C777
27 Summerskill
28 5/12/61
29 ditto
30 2R 16/11/61
31 First race act
32 Grimsby Telegraph. March 1965.
34 Brockway C247
35 Recommended Reading
36 1 Back Street New Worlds. Elspeth Huxley(1964)
37 2 Churchill, Race and the Magpie Society in “Eminent Churchillians.” Andrew Roberts.1994)
38 3 Inside Right. The Conservative…Ian Gilmore.(Quantam)1978
39 # Like the Roman, Simon Heffer’s biography of Enoch
40 # The Unarmed Invasion. Lord Elton. (Geoffrey Bles (1965)
Immigration: What is the Answer. Norman Panell and Fenner Brockway. (RKP) 1965
A Question of Colour. Peter Griffiths. (Leslie Frewin.(1966)
One World, Iain Macleod CPC(1960)
Winds of Change, T.E.Utley and John Udale CPC (1960)
(20) 5 December 1954. Col.1588.
# Birmingham Post 26th February 1963 .
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
The Persecution of Thought Criminals by the Tolerant
Persecution of Thought Criminals by the Tolerant
Liberal Democracy has been transformed into a police state like Stalin’s Russia or Mao’s China to manage immigration or the importation of cheap labour for the elites. The persecution has been going on for over 50 years and did not begin with Political Correctness but is part of the multi-racialists outlook. It got much worse from the 1960s when the new elites have formed an “Ideological Caste” - membership depends not on blood, birth, or class, but holding the right opinions, and to rise in life one has to conform to their ideology.
What is important to look for in these few examples is how the “Caste” gang up on their victims and the Gestapo – KGB style methods they use.
They try to restructure people's thinking. A television programme “Gypsy Wars” contrasted a local woman and tinkers who had invaded her land reversing the roles as we experience them. They think our traditional view of the world is pathological until they correct it for us. They show us or a representative, in the role of what they think are our stereotypes - we are cast as the tinkers - to mould our views and change our attitudes. Of the Gypsies there were no young men shown, because they would be aggressive and they do not want to show them as a threat; village life was not shown because that is appealing and viewers would sympathise with the woman. The woman was selected because she is not typical of rural people but a bit eccentric and could be set up as the aggressor when she was the victim. This is Television re-structuring our thoughts in accordance with their ideology. It is Frankfurt School television. For years vacancies in television were only advertised in the Guardian to filter out the applicants with the wrong attitude. (1)
Dr James Watson 79-year-old geneticist who, with Francis Crick, had discovered the structure of DNA, who is regarded as one of the great scientists of his time, was persecuted for telling the Sunday Times that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really". He said there was a natural desire that all human beings should be equal but "people who have to deal with black employees find this not true". The British establishment's agency of Inquistion the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said it was studying Dr Watson's remarks "in full". Politicians moved in to persecute him: 'It is a shame that a man with a record of scientific distinction should see his work overshadowed by his own irrational prejudices,' said David Lammy, the Skills Minister. London mayor Ken Livingstone: 'Such ignorant comments...are utterly offensive and give succour to the most backward in our society.' The Science Museum cancelled a sell-out meeting it had planned to hold to honour 79-year-old Watson on the grounds that his remarks had gone 'beyond the point of acceptable debate'. Several other centres scheduled to host his talks followed suit. What a scientific argument! His employers, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Long Island suspended him as Chancellor. (2)
In the Commons debate of Notting Hill race battles of August 1958. A local Labour M.P. Frank Tomney made an honourable and noble speech the House of Commons in defence of his young constituents to show they had been stitched up by police and lawyers. Here is a precis:
“Nine young men were arrested. No one in the constituency takes the view that what they did was not severely wrong, but the sentences of 4 years imprisonment for boys of 17 - even coloured people are going round organizing petitions on their behalf. I wrote to the Home Secretary asking him to see me about this but he declined as it is sub judice. The case was subject to appeal a week ago and the sentences confirmed. I made sure none of these boys had a previous conviction. “When people read about comparable cases and find variations in the sentences they come to think that our law does not provide justice. In one case of alleged rioting which concerned coloured people, one man was sentenced to prison for a year and others were fined. The man who was sentenced to a year had a former conviction in 1948 for shooting a policeman which is a crime with intent to kill. Yet these boys with no convictions got 4 years. “I have here a letter from the Union of Post Office workers about a boy from Ellingham Road. It tells of his having just returned from serving in Cyprus yet he was taken from his bed at 2.a.m. and charged with rioting. He only pleaded guilty because he was foolishly advised to. Contrary to the bias of police evidence, he was in possession of no weapon, though he admits to being an occupant in the car that toured the district shouting slogans. A petition to me is in responsible language and from people I have known for nine years” (3)
The 1964 election in Smethwick shows where the persecutions can lead. An offensive slogan had been used during the election campaign and posted on walls “If you want a N***** for a neighbour, vote Labour”. Harold Wilson attributed this to Conservative candidate Peter Griffiths, when being interviewed by Robin Day on Panorama of 9th March 1964. After the Election, now Prime Minister, Wilson broke from his address on the Queen's speech to insult the victorious Griffiths by calling him a “Parliamentary Leper”, who would be shunned in the House. This breached the convention that new members be protected until after their Maiden speech. Just two weeks before polling Griffiths was de-humanised in the Birmingham Post, and the Times whose Midland correspondent wrote, ”It is abhorrent to all Conservatives and officials of stature to whom I have talked.” He did not say to whom he had talked! He headed his column of the 12th, “Vile – it's all in Black and White.” As the election result was announced the Marxist Bishop of Southwark, called the electorate “unchristian”, and the Bishop of Chelmsford attacked local voters yet this was a model of democracy - a local man fighting on a local issue elected by local people. The unelected Bishops lived far away in fabulous palaces insulted them on a priori ideological grounds. State broadcaster the BBC took American Black Power leader Malcolm X to Smethwick for current affairs programme “Tonight”. He told the world’s media,” I have come here because I am disturbed by reports that coloured people in Smethwick are being badly treated. I have heard they are being treated as the Jews under Hitler. I would not wait for the Fascist element in Smethwick to erect gas ovens.” That was what the BBC had told him! They denied having taken him there but Mayor C V Williams investigated: “I was most amazed at the finesse shown by the BBC. I was told the car was not a BBC car but it was owned by one of the directors.” Malcolm X told the Times that the BBC had taken him. This led to a bomb being planted outside Mr.Griffiths’ home on 26th October 1965. (4)
The persecution in 1984 of Ray Honeyford a head teacher at Manningham Middle School in Bradford shows the depths of intolerance for those who diverge even slightly from the orthodoxy because Mr Honeyford supported multi-racialism but warned of multi-culturalism. Just consider the Gestapo – Stasi style methods the tolerant ones used on him. The local education authority tried to have him removed from his school, and when he wrote about his efforts in the Salisbury Review he was de-humanised by the media, had a “rent a mob” screaming ‘Racist’ outside the school gates, the local education authority sent a psychiatrist to see him, and the Department for Education had Helena Kennedy QC subject him to an Inquisition and school inspectors persecuted him. He had to retire at 52! (5)
In May 2002 a Tory councillor was persecuted by Government minister Peter Hain who did so much to bring genocide on White South African farmers. Professor Geoffrey Samspon's website stated, 'There is overwhelming scientific evidence that races differ to some extent in their average intelligence levels - yellow-skinned Orientals tend to be rather brighter than whites, negroes tend to be rather less bright.” Hain, a founder member of the Anti Nazi League, raved on Breakfast with Frost, “Sampson is proud to be racist”. Prof Sampson was only given right to reply on Radio 4’s Today programme which is heard less than television. He explained Hain’s statement was untrue and “as far as I am concerned it would be daft to be proud of racism — what is there to be proud of?” But this was ignored in subsequent TV news broadcasts, which kept repeating Hain’s distortion. Special Branch warned him he was a marked man and advised him on safety precautions to reduce the risk of harm to him or his family. He was advised to look under his car before driving to check that nothing was attached - the result of a Labour government minister publicly persecuting him. (6)
In April 2006, Leeds university authorities subjected Dr Frank Ellis to an Inquisition after he had an interview published in “Leeds Student". Dr Ellis was sought out for the interview with political bias in mind because of his “peculiar and extreme views". He and his interviewer ranged over many topics but what ignited prejudice against him were his remarks that the average black has a lower IQ than the average white or Asian; that he believed we need to introduce a policy of humane repatriation. There were the usual demonstrations by Unite Against Fascism. The University's decision was purely to persecute a man for holding the wrong opinion: he treated his students fairly and impartially as the interviewer acknowledged Dr Ellis’s “excellent rapport with his students and colleagues". Further, Leeds have a system to prevent unfair marking as the candidate's paper is anonymous and each is marked by 3 different tutors. He was investigated by the West Yorkshire police for incitement to racial hatred. So what is the problem? Dr Ellis was not disciplined for his conduct towards his students, which was exemplary, but persecuted for not expressing the right thoughts on race. In an interview on Talk Sport Ian Collins screamed at Ellis, ”You're mad!” (7)
Robert Henderson was persecuted in July 1995, over an article in Wisden Cricket Monthly. He wrote that a reason for the bad performances of England’s cricket team was the mix of foreign and native players. However talented they lack the commitment to their side on which team success depends. He explains: “The common experience of mixed groups makes it immensely difficult to accept that a changing room comprised of say six Englishmen, two West Indians, two Southern Africans and a New Zealander is going to develop the same camaraderie as eleven unequivocal Englishmen". This was not racism as his example had two blacks and five people who are not English, three of whom are certainly white.
The media held an Inquisition. The journalists and public figures who denounced him did not attack what he had written but responded out of ideological correctness against what they thought his views were. Two of the black players, Devon Malcolm and Philip De Freitas, sued Wisden for libel but not him, which is unusual because the author is usually included in the suit. Malcolm and De Freitas had sought the advice of the Professional Cricketer's Association who took counsel's opinion which was that no libel existed.
Telegraph newspapers gave clues to his home address and refused to print an unedited reply. He was then turned on by Wisden whose following issue had five pages of vitriolic attack on him even though they printed the original article. Editor Mr Firth would not print a reply.
Mr Henderson contacted his M.P. Frank Dobson to complain of the way the media had treated him, and asked for an intervention on his behalf. On 3rd August 1995, Mr Henderson received a letter from the black Labour politician Diane Abbott, telling him he had "no appreciation of acceptable terminology. As an ex-journalist, and someone who still dabbles, I believe that we have a duty to write on subjects we know about". Later Ms Abbott objected to "blue-eyed blonde" nurses from Finland tending coloured patients in her East London constituency!
Mr Henderson wrote to Tony Blair about Mr Dobson. Mr Henderson wrote thirteen letters to the Blairs between March 1996 and February 1997. Finally, Blair summoned the Police to his Westminster office. The Police considered charging Mr Henderson with Common Assault and offences under the Malicious Communications and Race Relations Acts. They took the letters for examination by the Crown Prosecution Service. It was decided that the correspondence "fell short" of any criminal offence. But Blair was advised that the "sheer volume" of continued letters could justify criminal prosecution in the future.
The media de-humanised him but refused him right of reply. An interview he gave to the BBC was edited by splicing together different parts of his interview to produce the opposite of what he had said. The interview was 30 minutes but only 93 seconds were used.
To see how the BBC edits to destroy those who say the wrong things.
Mr Henderson actually said in the interview: “I take the Matthew Paris line on this. Matthew, says “that part of being an Englishman is being white. Now I think that's reasonable, not just from my own experience, but it seems to me that you don't get someone taking on the whole of a new culture when they come to a country. That doesn't of course mean that they cannot be British and of course if they are representing Britain there may not be the same problem that you've got if they are representing England, but if they are representing England they've got to feel that there isn't anything which spurns them, which thrusts them out from society, which I am absolutely certain that the majority of blacks and Asians do feel. I can sympathise with them because any minority anywhere is going to feel under stress.”
This is what the BBC broadcast after editing:
“...part of being an Englishman is being white. Now I think that's reasonable, not just from my own experience, but it seems to me you don't get someone taking on the whole of a new culture when they come to a country.” (8)
Famous journalist Mark Steyn was persecuted by the Canadian Human Rights Commission in 2006 after two complaints by the Islamic Congress against Maclean's magazine and its editor-in-chief, Kenneth Whyte for printing a chapter from his book: "America Alone”. The complainants said: “the article subjects Canadian Muslims to hatred and contempt". He had written: “The Muslim world has youth, numbers and global ambitions. The West is growing old and enfeebled, and lacks the will to rebuff those who would supplant it. It's the end of the world as we've known it. Sept. 11, 2001, was not 'the day everything changed,' but the day that revealed how much had already changed. On Sept. 10, how many journalists had the Council of American-Islamic Relations or the Canadian Islamic Congress or the Muslim Council of Britain in their Rolodexes? … the larger forces at play in the developed world that have left Europe too enfeebled to resist its remorseless transformation into Eurabia and that call into question the future of much of the rest of the world. The key factors are: demographic decline; the unsustainability of the social democratic state; and civilizational exhaustion." (9)
That we have been dragged down to the level of persecutory states rather than bastions of freedom look at the state persecution of Catholic priest Father Samuel. He had fled to Belgium to escape Muslim persecution of Christians in Turkey and was then persecuted by the Belgian state for “incitement to racist hatred” : the Government’s Inquisition agency, the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (CEOOR). He said in a 2002 television interview: “Every thoroughly Islamized Muslim child that is born in Europe is a time bomb for Western children in the future. The latter will be persecuted when they have become a minority".
The Belgian judiciary decided to try him before the penal court in Charleroi. He repeated his statement and that he would be honoured to go to jail for this. He added that Jesus too had been persecuted! In a sermon he called upon the faithful to accompany him to court. “We will turn this into an excursion, driving there in full buses.” The Aramaics are a Catholic minority in Syria and Turkey and speak an old Semitic language, which Jesus and the apostles used and so are a link with Christ. Mel Gibson used the language in “The Passion of the Christ". On his website and in sermons Father Samuel warns of “the islamic invasion” of the West and that Muslims are invading Europe and we face impending civil war. According to Father Samuel “so-called moderate Muslims do not exist". (10)
What we know as Eurabia is EU elites surrendering us to Islam by passing laws to oppress our attempts to defend our women and children, and allowing open immigration and making large donations to Palestinian groups like Hamas.
(3) Commons Hansard. The debate was in October 1958.
A Question of Colour. 1966. Peter Griffiths.(Leslie Frewin).
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Sunday, 19 September 2010 10:21 Written by Guest Writer
by David Hamilton
Liberal Democracy has been transformed into a police state like Stalin’s Russia or Mao’s China to manage immigration or the importation of cheap labour for the elites. The persecution has been going on for over 50 years and did not begin with Political Correctness but is part of the multi-racialists outlook. It got much worse from the 1960s when the new elites have formed an “Ideological Caste” - membership depends not on blood, birth, or class, but holding the right opinions, and to rise in life one has to conform to their ideology.
What is important to look for in these few examples is how the “Caste” gang up on their victims and the Gestapo – KGB style methods they use.
They try to restructure people's thinking. A television programme “Gypsy Wars” contrasted a local woman and tinkers who had invaded her land reversing the roles as we experience them. They think our traditional view of the world is pathological until they correct it for us. They show us or a representative, in the role of what they think are our stereotypes - we are cast as the tinkers - to mould our views and change our attitudes. Of the Gypsies there were no young men shown, because they would be aggressive and they do not want to show them as a threat; village life was not shown because that is appealing and viewers would sympathise with the woman. The woman was selected because she is not typical of rural people but a bit eccentric and could be set up as the aggressor when she was the victim. This is Television re-structuring our thoughts in accordance with their ideology. It is Frankfurt School television. For years vacancies in television were only advertised in the Guardian to filter out the applicants with the wrong attitude. (1)
Dr James Watson 79-year-old geneticist who, with Francis Crick, had discovered the structure of DNA, who is regarded as one of the great scientists of his time, was persecuted for telling the Sunday Times that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really". He said there was a natural desire that all human beings should be equal but "people who have to deal with black employees find this not true". The British establishment's agency of Inquistion the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said it was studying Dr Watson's remarks "in full". Politicians moved in to persecute him: 'It is a shame that a man with a record of scientific distinction should see his work overshadowed by his own irrational prejudices,' said David Lammy, the Skills Minister. London mayor Ken Livingstone: 'Such ignorant comments...are utterly offensive and give succour to the most backward in our society.' The Science Museum cancelled a sell-out meeting it had planned to hold to honour 79-year-old Watson on the grounds that his remarks had gone 'beyond the point of acceptable debate'. Several other centres scheduled to host his talks followed suit. What a scientific argument! His employers, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Long Island suspended him as Chancellor. (2)
In the Commons debate of Notting Hill race battles of August 1958. A local Labour M.P. Frank Tomney made an honourable and noble speech the House of Commons in defence of his young constituents to show they had been stitched up by police and lawyers. Here is a precis:
“Nine young men were arrested. No one in the constituency takes the view that what they did was not severely wrong, but the sentences of 4 years imprisonment for boys of 17 - even coloured people are going round organizing petitions on their behalf. I wrote to the Home Secretary asking him to see me about this but he declined as it is sub judice. The case was subject to appeal a week ago and the sentences confirmed. I made sure none of these boys had a previous conviction. “When people read about comparable cases and find variations in the sentences they come to think that our law does not provide justice. In one case of alleged rioting which concerned coloured people, one man was sentenced to prison for a year and others were fined. The man who was sentenced to a year had a former conviction in 1948 for shooting a policeman which is a crime with intent to kill. Yet these boys with no convictions got 4 years. “I have here a letter from the Union of Post Office workers about a boy from Ellingham Road. It tells of his having just returned from serving in Cyprus yet he was taken from his bed at 2.a.m. and charged with rioting. He only pleaded guilty because he was foolishly advised to. Contrary to the bias of police evidence, he was in possession of no weapon, though he admits to being an occupant in the car that toured the district shouting slogans. A petition to me is in responsible language and from people I have known for nine years” (3)
The 1964 election in Smethwick shows where the persecutions can lead. An offensive slogan had been used during the election campaign and posted on walls “If you want a N***** for a neighbour, vote Labour”. Harold Wilson attributed this to Conservative candidate Peter Griffiths, when being interviewed by Robin Day on Panorama of 9th March 1964. After the Election, now Prime Minister, Wilson broke from his address on the Queen's speech to insult the victorious Griffiths by calling him a “Parliamentary Leper”, who would be shunned in the House. This breached the convention that new members be protected until after their Maiden speech. Just two weeks before polling Griffiths was de-humanised in the Birmingham Post, and the Times whose Midland correspondent wrote, ”It is abhorrent to all Conservatives and officials of stature to whom I have talked.” He did not say to whom he had talked! He headed his column of the 12th, “Vile – it's all in Black and White.” As the election result was announced the Marxist Bishop of Southwark, called the electorate “unchristian”, and the Bishop of Chelmsford attacked local voters yet this was a model of democracy - a local man fighting on a local issue elected by local people. The unelected Bishops lived far away in fabulous palaces insulted them on a priori ideological grounds. State broadcaster the BBC took American Black Power leader Malcolm X to Smethwick for current affairs programme “Tonight”. He told the world’s media,” I have come here because I am disturbed by reports that coloured people in Smethwick are being badly treated. I have heard they are being treated as the Jews under Hitler. I would not wait for the Fascist element in Smethwick to erect gas ovens.” That was what the BBC had told him! They denied having taken him there but Mayor C V Williams investigated: “I was most amazed at the finesse shown by the BBC. I was told the car was not a BBC car but it was owned by one of the directors.” Malcolm X told the Times that the BBC had taken him. This led to a bomb being planted outside Mr.Griffiths’ home on 26th October 1965. (4)
The persecution in 1984 of Ray Honeyford a head teacher at Manningham Middle School in Bradford shows the depths of intolerance for those who diverge even slightly from the orthodoxy because Mr Honeyford supported multi-racialism but warned of multi-culturalism. Just consider the Gestapo – Stasi style methods the tolerant ones used on him. The local education authority tried to have him removed from his school, and when he wrote about his efforts in the Salisbury Review he was de-humanised by the media, had a “rent a mob” screaming ‘Racist’ outside the school gates, the local education authority sent a psychiatrist to see him, and the Department for Education had Helena Kennedy QC subject him to an Inquisition and school inspectors persecuted him. He had to retire at 52! (5)
In May 2002 a Tory councillor was persecuted by Government minister Peter Hain who did so much to bring genocide on White South African farmers. Professor Geoffrey Samspon's website stated, 'There is overwhelming scientific evidence that races differ to some extent in their average intelligence levels - yellow-skinned Orientals tend to be rather brighter than whites, negroes tend to be rather less bright.” Hain, a founder member of the Anti Nazi League, raved on Breakfast with Frost, “Sampson is proud to be racist”. Prof Sampson was only given right to reply on Radio 4’s Today programme which is heard less than television. He explained Hain’s statement was untrue and “as far as I am concerned it would be daft to be proud of racism — what is there to be proud of?” But this was ignored in subsequent TV news broadcasts, which kept repeating Hain’s distortion. Special Branch warned him he was a marked man and advised him on safety precautions to reduce the risk of harm to him or his family. He was advised to look under his car before driving to check that nothing was attached - the result of a Labour government minister publicly persecuting him. (6)
In April 2006, Leeds university authorities subjected Dr Frank Ellis to an Inquisition after he had an interview published in “Leeds Student". Dr Ellis was sought out for the interview with political bias in mind because of his “peculiar and extreme views". He and his interviewer ranged over many topics but what ignited prejudice against him were his remarks that the average black has a lower IQ than the average white or Asian; that he believed we need to introduce a policy of humane repatriation. There were the usual demonstrations by Unite Against Fascism. The University's decision was purely to persecute a man for holding the wrong opinion: he treated his students fairly and impartially as the interviewer acknowledged Dr Ellis’s “excellent rapport with his students and colleagues". Further, Leeds have a system to prevent unfair marking as the candidate's paper is anonymous and each is marked by 3 different tutors. He was investigated by the West Yorkshire police for incitement to racial hatred. So what is the problem? Dr Ellis was not disciplined for his conduct towards his students, which was exemplary, but persecuted for not expressing the right thoughts on race. In an interview on Talk Sport Ian Collins screamed at Ellis, ”You're mad!” (7)
Robert Henderson was persecuted in July 1995, over an article in Wisden Cricket Monthly. He wrote that a reason for the bad performances of England’s cricket team was the mix of foreign and native players. However talented they lack the commitment to their side on which team success depends. He explains: “The common experience of mixed groups makes it immensely difficult to accept that a changing room comprised of say six Englishmen, two West Indians, two Southern Africans and a New Zealander is going to develop the same camaraderie as eleven unequivocal Englishmen". This was not racism as his example had two blacks and five people who are not English, three of whom are certainly white.
The media held an Inquisition. The journalists and public figures who denounced him did not attack what he had written but responded out of ideological correctness against what they thought his views were. Two of the black players, Devon Malcolm and Philip De Freitas, sued Wisden for libel but not him, which is unusual because the author is usually included in the suit. Malcolm and De Freitas had sought the advice of the Professional Cricketer's Association who took counsel's opinion which was that no libel existed.
Telegraph newspapers gave clues to his home address and refused to print an unedited reply. He was then turned on by Wisden whose following issue had five pages of vitriolic attack on him even though they printed the original article. Editor Mr Firth would not print a reply.
Mr Henderson contacted his M.P. Frank Dobson to complain of the way the media had treated him, and asked for an intervention on his behalf. On 3rd August 1995, Mr Henderson received a letter from the black Labour politician Diane Abbott, telling him he had "no appreciation of acceptable terminology. As an ex-journalist, and someone who still dabbles, I believe that we have a duty to write on subjects we know about". Later Ms Abbott objected to "blue-eyed blonde" nurses from Finland tending coloured patients in her East London constituency!
Mr Henderson wrote to Tony Blair about Mr Dobson. Mr Henderson wrote thirteen letters to the Blairs between March 1996 and February 1997. Finally, Blair summoned the Police to his Westminster office. The Police considered charging Mr Henderson with Common Assault and offences under the Malicious Communications and Race Relations Acts. They took the letters for examination by the Crown Prosecution Service. It was decided that the correspondence "fell short" of any criminal offence. But Blair was advised that the "sheer volume" of continued letters could justify criminal prosecution in the future.
The media de-humanised him but refused him right of reply. An interview he gave to the BBC was edited by splicing together different parts of his interview to produce the opposite of what he had said. The interview was 30 minutes but only 93 seconds were used.
To see how the BBC edits to destroy those who say the wrong things.
Mr Henderson actually said in the interview: “I take the Matthew Paris line on this. Matthew, says “that part of being an Englishman is being white. Now I think that's reasonable, not just from my own experience, but it seems to me that you don't get someone taking on the whole of a new culture when they come to a country. That doesn't of course mean that they cannot be British and of course if they are representing Britain there may not be the same problem that you've got if they are representing England, but if they are representing England they've got to feel that there isn't anything which spurns them, which thrusts them out from society, which I am absolutely certain that the majority of blacks and Asians do feel. I can sympathise with them because any minority anywhere is going to feel under stress.”
This is what the BBC broadcast after editing:
“...part of being an Englishman is being white. Now I think that's reasonable, not just from my own experience, but it seems to me you don't get someone taking on the whole of a new culture when they come to a country.” (8)
Famous journalist Mark Steyn was persecuted by the Canadian Human Rights Commission in 2006 after two complaints by the Islamic Congress against Maclean's magazine and its editor-in-chief, Kenneth Whyte for printing a chapter from his book: "America Alone”. The complainants said: “the article subjects Canadian Muslims to hatred and contempt". He had written: “The Muslim world has youth, numbers and global ambitions. The West is growing old and enfeebled, and lacks the will to rebuff those who would supplant it. It's the end of the world as we've known it. Sept. 11, 2001, was not 'the day everything changed,' but the day that revealed how much had already changed. On Sept. 10, how many journalists had the Council of American-Islamic Relations or the Canadian Islamic Congress or the Muslim Council of Britain in their Rolodexes? … the larger forces at play in the developed world that have left Europe too enfeebled to resist its remorseless transformation into Eurabia and that call into question the future of much of the rest of the world. The key factors are: demographic decline; the unsustainability of the social democratic state; and civilizational exhaustion." (9)
That we have been dragged down to the level of persecutory states rather than bastions of freedom look at the state persecution of Catholic priest Father Samuel. He had fled to Belgium to escape Muslim persecution of Christians in Turkey and was then persecuted by the Belgian state for “incitement to racist hatred” : the Government’s Inquisition agency, the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (CEOOR). He said in a 2002 television interview: “Every thoroughly Islamized Muslim child that is born in Europe is a time bomb for Western children in the future. The latter will be persecuted when they have become a minority".
The Belgian judiciary decided to try him before the penal court in Charleroi. He repeated his statement and that he would be honoured to go to jail for this. He added that Jesus too had been persecuted! In a sermon he called upon the faithful to accompany him to court. “We will turn this into an excursion, driving there in full buses.” The Aramaics are a Catholic minority in Syria and Turkey and speak an old Semitic language, which Jesus and the apostles used and so are a link with Christ. Mel Gibson used the language in “The Passion of the Christ". On his website and in sermons Father Samuel warns of “the islamic invasion” of the West and that Muslims are invading Europe and we face impending civil war. According to Father Samuel “so-called moderate Muslims do not exist". (10)
What we know as Eurabia is EU elites surrendering us to Islam by passing laws to oppress our attempts to defend our women and children, and allowing open immigration and making large donations to Palestinian groups like Hamas.
(3) Commons Hansard. The debate was in October 1958.
A Question of Colour. 1966. Peter Griffiths.(Leslie Frewin).
(6) ),9061,714247,00.html
Liberal Democracy has been transformed into a police state like Stalin’s Russia or Mao’s China to manage immigration or the importation of cheap labour for the elites. The persecution has been going on for over 50 years and did not begin with Political Correctness but is part of the multi-racialists outlook. It got much worse from the 1960s when the new elites have formed an “Ideological Caste” - membership depends not on blood, birth, or class, but holding the right opinions, and to rise in life one has to conform to their ideology.
What is important to look for in these few examples is how the “Caste” gang up on their victims and the Gestapo – KGB style methods they use.
They try to restructure people's thinking. A television programme “Gypsy Wars” contrasted a local woman and tinkers who had invaded her land reversing the roles as we experience them. They think our traditional view of the world is pathological until they correct it for us. They show us or a representative, in the role of what they think are our stereotypes - we are cast as the tinkers - to mould our views and change our attitudes. Of the Gypsies there were no young men shown, because they would be aggressive and they do not want to show them as a threat; village life was not shown because that is appealing and viewers would sympathise with the woman. The woman was selected because she is not typical of rural people but a bit eccentric and could be set up as the aggressor when she was the victim. This is Television re-structuring our thoughts in accordance with their ideology. It is Frankfurt School television. For years vacancies in television were only advertised in the Guardian to filter out the applicants with the wrong attitude. (1)
Dr James Watson 79-year-old geneticist who, with Francis Crick, had discovered the structure of DNA, who is regarded as one of the great scientists of his time, was persecuted for telling the Sunday Times that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really". He said there was a natural desire that all human beings should be equal but "people who have to deal with black employees find this not true". The British establishment's agency of Inquistion the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said it was studying Dr Watson's remarks "in full". Politicians moved in to persecute him: 'It is a shame that a man with a record of scientific distinction should see his work overshadowed by his own irrational prejudices,' said David Lammy, the Skills Minister. London mayor Ken Livingstone: 'Such ignorant comments...are utterly offensive and give succour to the most backward in our society.' The Science Museum cancelled a sell-out meeting it had planned to hold to honour 79-year-old Watson on the grounds that his remarks had gone 'beyond the point of acceptable debate'. Several other centres scheduled to host his talks followed suit. What a scientific argument! His employers, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Long Island suspended him as Chancellor. (2)
In the Commons debate of Notting Hill race battles of August 1958. A local Labour M.P. Frank Tomney made an honourable and noble speech the House of Commons in defence of his young constituents to show they had been stitched up by police and lawyers. Here is a precis:
“Nine young men were arrested. No one in the constituency takes the view that what they did was not severely wrong, but the sentences of 4 years imprisonment for boys of 17 - even coloured people are going round organizing petitions on their behalf. I wrote to the Home Secretary asking him to see me about this but he declined as it is sub judice. The case was subject to appeal a week ago and the sentences confirmed. I made sure none of these boys had a previous conviction. “When people read about comparable cases and find variations in the sentences they come to think that our law does not provide justice. In one case of alleged rioting which concerned coloured people, one man was sentenced to prison for a year and others were fined. The man who was sentenced to a year had a former conviction in 1948 for shooting a policeman which is a crime with intent to kill. Yet these boys with no convictions got 4 years. “I have here a letter from the Union of Post Office workers about a boy from Ellingham Road. It tells of his having just returned from serving in Cyprus yet he was taken from his bed at 2.a.m. and charged with rioting. He only pleaded guilty because he was foolishly advised to. Contrary to the bias of police evidence, he was in possession of no weapon, though he admits to being an occupant in the car that toured the district shouting slogans. A petition to me is in responsible language and from people I have known for nine years” (3)
The 1964 election in Smethwick shows where the persecutions can lead. An offensive slogan had been used during the election campaign and posted on walls “If you want a N***** for a neighbour, vote Labour”. Harold Wilson attributed this to Conservative candidate Peter Griffiths, when being interviewed by Robin Day on Panorama of 9th March 1964. After the Election, now Prime Minister, Wilson broke from his address on the Queen's speech to insult the victorious Griffiths by calling him a “Parliamentary Leper”, who would be shunned in the House. This breached the convention that new members be protected until after their Maiden speech. Just two weeks before polling Griffiths was de-humanised in the Birmingham Post, and the Times whose Midland correspondent wrote, ”It is abhorrent to all Conservatives and officials of stature to whom I have talked.” He did not say to whom he had talked! He headed his column of the 12th, “Vile – it's all in Black and White.” As the election result was announced the Marxist Bishop of Southwark, called the electorate “unchristian”, and the Bishop of Chelmsford attacked local voters yet this was a model of democracy - a local man fighting on a local issue elected by local people. The unelected Bishops lived far away in fabulous palaces insulted them on a priori ideological grounds. State broadcaster the BBC took American Black Power leader Malcolm X to Smethwick for current affairs programme “Tonight”. He told the world’s media,” I have come here because I am disturbed by reports that coloured people in Smethwick are being badly treated. I have heard they are being treated as the Jews under Hitler. I would not wait for the Fascist element in Smethwick to erect gas ovens.” That was what the BBC had told him! They denied having taken him there but Mayor C V Williams investigated: “I was most amazed at the finesse shown by the BBC. I was told the car was not a BBC car but it was owned by one of the directors.” Malcolm X told the Times that the BBC had taken him. This led to a bomb being planted outside Mr.Griffiths’ home on 26th October 1965. (4)
The persecution in 1984 of Ray Honeyford a head teacher at Manningham Middle School in Bradford shows the depths of intolerance for those who diverge even slightly from the orthodoxy because Mr Honeyford supported multi-racialism but warned of multi-culturalism. Just consider the Gestapo – Stasi style methods the tolerant ones used on him. The local education authority tried to have him removed from his school, and when he wrote about his efforts in the Salisbury Review he was de-humanised by the media, had a “rent a mob” screaming ‘Racist’ outside the school gates, the local education authority sent a psychiatrist to see him, and the Department for Education had Helena Kennedy QC subject him to an Inquisition and school inspectors persecuted him. He had to retire at 52! (5)
In May 2002 a Tory councillor was persecuted by Government minister Peter Hain who did so much to bring genocide on White South African farmers. Professor Geoffrey Samspon's website stated, 'There is overwhelming scientific evidence that races differ to some extent in their average intelligence levels - yellow-skinned Orientals tend to be rather brighter than whites, negroes tend to be rather less bright.” Hain, a founder member of the Anti Nazi League, raved on Breakfast with Frost, “Sampson is proud to be racist”. Prof Sampson was only given right to reply on Radio 4’s Today programme which is heard less than television. He explained Hain’s statement was untrue and “as far as I am concerned it would be daft to be proud of racism — what is there to be proud of?” But this was ignored in subsequent TV news broadcasts, which kept repeating Hain’s distortion. Special Branch warned him he was a marked man and advised him on safety precautions to reduce the risk of harm to him or his family. He was advised to look under his car before driving to check that nothing was attached - the result of a Labour government minister publicly persecuting him. (6)
In April 2006, Leeds university authorities subjected Dr Frank Ellis to an Inquisition after he had an interview published in “Leeds Student". Dr Ellis was sought out for the interview with political bias in mind because of his “peculiar and extreme views". He and his interviewer ranged over many topics but what ignited prejudice against him were his remarks that the average black has a lower IQ than the average white or Asian; that he believed we need to introduce a policy of humane repatriation. There were the usual demonstrations by Unite Against Fascism. The University's decision was purely to persecute a man for holding the wrong opinion: he treated his students fairly and impartially as the interviewer acknowledged Dr Ellis’s “excellent rapport with his students and colleagues". Further, Leeds have a system to prevent unfair marking as the candidate's paper is anonymous and each is marked by 3 different tutors. He was investigated by the West Yorkshire police for incitement to racial hatred. So what is the problem? Dr Ellis was not disciplined for his conduct towards his students, which was exemplary, but persecuted for not expressing the right thoughts on race. In an interview on Talk Sport Ian Collins screamed at Ellis, ”You're mad!” (7)
Robert Henderson was persecuted in July 1995, over an article in Wisden Cricket Monthly. He wrote that a reason for the bad performances of England’s cricket team was the mix of foreign and native players. However talented they lack the commitment to their side on which team success depends. He explains: “The common experience of mixed groups makes it immensely difficult to accept that a changing room comprised of say six Englishmen, two West Indians, two Southern Africans and a New Zealander is going to develop the same camaraderie as eleven unequivocal Englishmen". This was not racism as his example had two blacks and five people who are not English, three of whom are certainly white.
The media held an Inquisition. The journalists and public figures who denounced him did not attack what he had written but responded out of ideological correctness against what they thought his views were. Two of the black players, Devon Malcolm and Philip De Freitas, sued Wisden for libel but not him, which is unusual because the author is usually included in the suit. Malcolm and De Freitas had sought the advice of the Professional Cricketer's Association who took counsel's opinion which was that no libel existed.
Telegraph newspapers gave clues to his home address and refused to print an unedited reply. He was then turned on by Wisden whose following issue had five pages of vitriolic attack on him even though they printed the original article. Editor Mr Firth would not print a reply.
Mr Henderson contacted his M.P. Frank Dobson to complain of the way the media had treated him, and asked for an intervention on his behalf. On 3rd August 1995, Mr Henderson received a letter from the black Labour politician Diane Abbott, telling him he had "no appreciation of acceptable terminology. As an ex-journalist, and someone who still dabbles, I believe that we have a duty to write on subjects we know about". Later Ms Abbott objected to "blue-eyed blonde" nurses from Finland tending coloured patients in her East London constituency!
Mr Henderson wrote to Tony Blair about Mr Dobson. Mr Henderson wrote thirteen letters to the Blairs between March 1996 and February 1997. Finally, Blair summoned the Police to his Westminster office. The Police considered charging Mr Henderson with Common Assault and offences under the Malicious Communications and Race Relations Acts. They took the letters for examination by the Crown Prosecution Service. It was decided that the correspondence "fell short" of any criminal offence. But Blair was advised that the "sheer volume" of continued letters could justify criminal prosecution in the future.
The media de-humanised him but refused him right of reply. An interview he gave to the BBC was edited by splicing together different parts of his interview to produce the opposite of what he had said. The interview was 30 minutes but only 93 seconds were used.
To see how the BBC edits to destroy those who say the wrong things.
Mr Henderson actually said in the interview: “I take the Matthew Paris line on this. Matthew, says “that part of being an Englishman is being white. Now I think that's reasonable, not just from my own experience, but it seems to me that you don't get someone taking on the whole of a new culture when they come to a country. That doesn't of course mean that they cannot be British and of course if they are representing Britain there may not be the same problem that you've got if they are representing England, but if they are representing England they've got to feel that there isn't anything which spurns them, which thrusts them out from society, which I am absolutely certain that the majority of blacks and Asians do feel. I can sympathise with them because any minority anywhere is going to feel under stress.”
This is what the BBC broadcast after editing:
“...part of being an Englishman is being white. Now I think that's reasonable, not just from my own experience, but it seems to me you don't get someone taking on the whole of a new culture when they come to a country.” (8)
Famous journalist Mark Steyn was persecuted by the Canadian Human Rights Commission in 2006 after two complaints by the Islamic Congress against Maclean's magazine and its editor-in-chief, Kenneth Whyte for printing a chapter from his book: "America Alone”. The complainants said: “the article subjects Canadian Muslims to hatred and contempt". He had written: “The Muslim world has youth, numbers and global ambitions. The West is growing old and enfeebled, and lacks the will to rebuff those who would supplant it. It's the end of the world as we've known it. Sept. 11, 2001, was not 'the day everything changed,' but the day that revealed how much had already changed. On Sept. 10, how many journalists had the Council of American-Islamic Relations or the Canadian Islamic Congress or the Muslim Council of Britain in their Rolodexes? … the larger forces at play in the developed world that have left Europe too enfeebled to resist its remorseless transformation into Eurabia and that call into question the future of much of the rest of the world. The key factors are: demographic decline; the unsustainability of the social democratic state; and civilizational exhaustion." (9)
That we have been dragged down to the level of persecutory states rather than bastions of freedom look at the state persecution of Catholic priest Father Samuel. He had fled to Belgium to escape Muslim persecution of Christians in Turkey and was then persecuted by the Belgian state for “incitement to racist hatred” : the Government’s Inquisition agency, the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (CEOOR). He said in a 2002 television interview: “Every thoroughly Islamized Muslim child that is born in Europe is a time bomb for Western children in the future. The latter will be persecuted when they have become a minority".
The Belgian judiciary decided to try him before the penal court in Charleroi. He repeated his statement and that he would be honoured to go to jail for this. He added that Jesus too had been persecuted! In a sermon he called upon the faithful to accompany him to court. “We will turn this into an excursion, driving there in full buses.” The Aramaics are a Catholic minority in Syria and Turkey and speak an old Semitic language, which Jesus and the apostles used and so are a link with Christ. Mel Gibson used the language in “The Passion of the Christ". On his website and in sermons Father Samuel warns of “the islamic invasion” of the West and that Muslims are invading Europe and we face impending civil war. According to Father Samuel “so-called moderate Muslims do not exist". (10)
What we know as Eurabia is EU elites surrendering us to Islam by passing laws to oppress our attempts to defend our women and children, and allowing open immigration and making large donations to Palestinian groups like Hamas.
(3) Commons Hansard. The debate was in October 1958.
A Question of Colour. 1966. Peter Griffiths.(Leslie Frewin).
(6) ),9061,714247,00.html
Sunday, 19 September 2010 10:21 Written by Guest Writer
by David Hamilton
Liberal Democracy has been transformed into a police state like Stalin’s Russia or Mao’s China to manage immigration or the importation of cheap labour for the elites. The persecution has been going on for over 50 years and did not begin with Political Correctness but is part of the multi-racialists outlook. It got much worse from the 1960s when the new elites have formed an “Ideological Caste” - membership depends not on blood, birth, or class, but holding the right opinions, and to rise in life one has to conform to their ideology.
What is important to look for in these few examples is how the “Caste” gang up on their victims and the Gestapo – KGB style methods they use.
They try to restructure people's thinking. A television programme “Gypsy Wars” contrasted a local woman and tinkers who had invaded her land reversing the roles as we experience them. They think our traditional view of the world is pathological until they correct it for us. They show us or a representative, in the role of what they think are our stereotypes - we are cast as the tinkers - to mould our views and change our attitudes. Of the Gypsies there were no young men shown, because they would be aggressive and they do not want to show them as a threat; village life was not shown because that is appealing and viewers would sympathise with the woman. The woman was selected because she is not typical of rural people but a bit eccentric and could be set up as the aggressor when she was the victim. This is Television re-structuring our thoughts in accordance with their ideology. It is Frankfurt School television. For years vacancies in television were only advertised in the Guardian to filter out the applicants with the wrong attitude. (1)
Dr James Watson 79-year-old geneticist who, with Francis Crick, had discovered the structure of DNA, who is regarded as one of the great scientists of his time, was persecuted for telling the Sunday Times that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really". He said there was a natural desire that all human beings should be equal but "people who have to deal with black employees find this not true". The British establishment's agency of Inquistion the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said it was studying Dr Watson's remarks "in full". Politicians moved in to persecute him: 'It is a shame that a man with a record of scientific distinction should see his work overshadowed by his own irrational prejudices,' said David Lammy, the Skills Minister. London mayor Ken Livingstone: 'Such ignorant comments...are utterly offensive and give succour to the most backward in our society.' The Science Museum cancelled a sell-out meeting it had planned to hold to honour 79-year-old Watson on the grounds that his remarks had gone 'beyond the point of acceptable debate'. Several other centres scheduled to host his talks followed suit. What a scientific argument! His employers, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Long Island suspended him as Chancellor. (2)
In the Commons debate of Notting Hill race battles of August 1958. A local Labour M.P. Frank Tomney made an honourable and noble speech the House of Commons in defence of his young constituents to show they had been stitched up by police and lawyers. Here is a precis:
“Nine young men were arrested. No one in the constituency takes the view that what they did was not severely wrong, but the sentences of 4 years imprisonment for boys of 17 - even coloured people are going round organizing petitions on their behalf. I wrote to the Home Secretary asking him to see me about this but he declined as it is sub judice. The case was subject to appeal a week ago and the sentences confirmed. I made sure none of these boys had a previous conviction. “When people read about comparable cases and find variations in the sentences they come to think that our law does not provide justice. In one case of alleged rioting which concerned coloured people, one man was sentenced to prison for a year and others were fined. The man who was sentenced to a year had a former conviction in 1948 for shooting a policeman which is a crime with intent to kill. Yet these boys with no convictions got 4 years. “I have here a letter from the Union of Post Office workers about a boy from Ellingham Road. It tells of his having just returned from serving in Cyprus yet he was taken from his bed at 2.a.m. and charged with rioting. He only pleaded guilty because he was foolishly advised to. Contrary to the bias of police evidence, he was in possession of no weapon, though he admits to being an occupant in the car that toured the district shouting slogans. A petition to me is in responsible language and from people I have known for nine years” (3)
The 1964 election in Smethwick shows where the persecutions can lead. An offensive slogan had been used during the election campaign and posted on walls “If you want a N***** for a neighbour, vote Labour”. Harold Wilson attributed this to Conservative candidate Peter Griffiths, when being interviewed by Robin Day on Panorama of 9th March 1964. After the Election, now Prime Minister, Wilson broke from his address on the Queen's speech to insult the victorious Griffiths by calling him a “Parliamentary Leper”, who would be shunned in the House. This breached the convention that new members be protected until after their Maiden speech. Just two weeks before polling Griffiths was de-humanised in the Birmingham Post, and the Times whose Midland correspondent wrote, ”It is abhorrent to all Conservatives and officials of stature to whom I have talked.” He did not say to whom he had talked! He headed his column of the 12th, “Vile – it's all in Black and White.” As the election result was announced the Marxist Bishop of Southwark, called the electorate “unchristian”, and the Bishop of Chelmsford attacked local voters yet this was a model of democracy - a local man fighting on a local issue elected by local people. The unelected Bishops lived far away in fabulous palaces insulted them on a priori ideological grounds. State broadcaster the BBC took American Black Power leader Malcolm X to Smethwick for current affairs programme “Tonight”. He told the world’s media,” I have come here because I am disturbed by reports that coloured people in Smethwick are being badly treated. I have heard they are being treated as the Jews under Hitler. I would not wait for the Fascist element in Smethwick to erect gas ovens.” That was what the BBC had told him! They denied having taken him there but Mayor C V Williams investigated: “I was most amazed at the finesse shown by the BBC. I was told the car was not a BBC car but it was owned by one of the directors.” Malcolm X told the Times that the BBC had taken him. This led to a bomb being planted outside Mr.Griffiths’ home on 26th October 1965. (4)
The persecution in 1984 of Ray Honeyford a head teacher at Manningham Middle School in Bradford shows the depths of intolerance for those who diverge even slightly from the orthodoxy because Mr Honeyford supported multi-racialism but warned of multi-culturalism. Just consider the Gestapo – Stasi style methods the tolerant ones used on him. The local education authority tried to have him removed from his school, and when he wrote about his efforts in the Salisbury Review he was de-humanised by the media, had a “rent a mob” screaming ‘Racist’ outside the school gates, the local education authority sent a psychiatrist to see him, and the Department for Education had Helena Kennedy QC subject him to an Inquisition and school inspectors persecuted him. He had to retire at 52! (5)
In May 2002 a Tory councillor was persecuted by Government minister Peter Hain who did so much to bring genocide on White South African farmers. Professor Geoffrey Samspon's website stated, 'There is overwhelming scientific evidence that races differ to some extent in their average intelligence levels - yellow-skinned Orientals tend to be rather brighter than whites, negroes tend to be rather less bright.” Hain, a founder member of the Anti Nazi League, raved on Breakfast with Frost, “Sampson is proud to be racist”. Prof Sampson was only given right to reply on Radio 4’s Today programme which is heard less than television. He explained Hain’s statement was untrue and “as far as I am concerned it would be daft to be proud of racism — what is there to be proud of?” But this was ignored in subsequent TV news broadcasts, which kept repeating Hain’s distortion. Special Branch warned him he was a marked man and advised him on safety precautions to reduce the risk of harm to him or his family. He was advised to look under his car before driving to check that nothing was attached - the result of a Labour government minister publicly persecuting him. (6)
In April 2006, Leeds university authorities subjected Dr Frank Ellis to an Inquisition after he had an interview published in “Leeds Student". Dr Ellis was sought out for the interview with political bias in mind because of his “peculiar and extreme views". He and his interviewer ranged over many topics but what ignited prejudice against him were his remarks that the average black has a lower IQ than the average white or Asian; that he believed we need to introduce a policy of humane repatriation. There were the usual demonstrations by Unite Against Fascism. The University's decision was purely to persecute a man for holding the wrong opinion: he treated his students fairly and impartially as the interviewer acknowledged Dr Ellis’s “excellent rapport with his students and colleagues". Further, Leeds have a system to prevent unfair marking as the candidate's paper is anonymous and each is marked by 3 different tutors. He was investigated by the West Yorkshire police for incitement to racial hatred. So what is the problem? Dr Ellis was not disciplined for his conduct towards his students, which was exemplary, but persecuted for not expressing the right thoughts on race. In an interview on Talk Sport Ian Collins screamed at Ellis, ”You're mad!” (7)
Robert Henderson was persecuted in July 1995, over an article in Wisden Cricket Monthly. He wrote that a reason for the bad performances of England’s cricket team was the mix of foreign and native players. However talented they lack the commitment to their side on which team success depends. He explains: “The common experience of mixed groups makes it immensely difficult to accept that a changing room comprised of say six Englishmen, two West Indians, two Southern Africans and a New Zealander is going to develop the same camaraderie as eleven unequivocal Englishmen". This was not racism as his example had two blacks and five people who are not English, three of whom are certainly white.
The media held an Inquisition. The journalists and public figures who denounced him did not attack what he had written but responded out of ideological correctness against what they thought his views were. Two of the black players, Devon Malcolm and Philip De Freitas, sued Wisden for libel but not him, which is unusual because the author is usually included in the suit. Malcolm and De Freitas had sought the advice of the Professional Cricketer's Association who took counsel's opinion which was that no libel existed.
Telegraph newspapers gave clues to his home address and refused to print an unedited reply. He was then turned on by Wisden whose following issue had five pages of vitriolic attack on him even though they printed the original article. Editor Mr Firth would not print a reply.
Mr Henderson contacted his M.P. Frank Dobson to complain of the way the media had treated him, and asked for an intervention on his behalf. On 3rd August 1995, Mr Henderson received a letter from the black Labour politician Diane Abbott, telling him he had "no appreciation of acceptable terminology. As an ex-journalist, and someone who still dabbles, I believe that we have a duty to write on subjects we know about". Later Ms Abbott objected to "blue-eyed blonde" nurses from Finland tending coloured patients in her East London constituency!
Mr Henderson wrote to Tony Blair about Mr Dobson. Mr Henderson wrote thirteen letters to the Blairs between March 1996 and February 1997. Finally, Blair summoned the Police to his Westminster office. The Police considered charging Mr Henderson with Common Assault and offences under the Malicious Communications and Race Relations Acts. They took the letters for examination by the Crown Prosecution Service. It was decided that the correspondence "fell short" of any criminal offence. But Blair was advised that the "sheer volume" of continued letters could justify criminal prosecution in the future.
The media de-humanised him but refused him right of reply. An interview he gave to the BBC was edited by splicing together different parts of his interview to produce the opposite of what he had said. The interview was 30 minutes but only 93 seconds were used.
To see how the BBC edits to destroy those who say the wrong things.
Mr Henderson actually said in the interview: “I take the Matthew Paris line on this. Matthew, says “that part of being an Englishman is being white. Now I think that's reasonable, not just from my own experience, but it seems to me that you don't get someone taking on the whole of a new culture when they come to a country. That doesn't of course mean that they cannot be British and of course if they are representing Britain there may not be the same problem that you've got if they are representing England, but if they are representing England they've got to feel that there isn't anything which spurns them, which thrusts them out from society, which I am absolutely certain that the majority of blacks and Asians do feel. I can sympathise with them because any minority anywhere is going to feel under stress.”
This is what the BBC broadcast after editing:
“...part of being an Englishman is being white. Now I think that's reasonable, not just from my own experience, but it seems to me you don't get someone taking on the whole of a new culture when they come to a country.” (8)
Famous journalist Mark Steyn was persecuted by the Canadian Human Rights Commission in 2006 after two complaints by the Islamic Congress against Maclean's magazine and its editor-in-chief, Kenneth Whyte for printing a chapter from his book: "America Alone”. The complainants said: “the article subjects Canadian Muslims to hatred and contempt". He had written: “The Muslim world has youth, numbers and global ambitions. The West is growing old and enfeebled, and lacks the will to rebuff those who would supplant it. It's the end of the world as we've known it. Sept. 11, 2001, was not 'the day everything changed,' but the day that revealed how much had already changed. On Sept. 10, how many journalists had the Council of American-Islamic Relations or the Canadian Islamic Congress or the Muslim Council of Britain in their Rolodexes? … the larger forces at play in the developed world that have left Europe too enfeebled to resist its remorseless transformation into Eurabia and that call into question the future of much of the rest of the world. The key factors are: demographic decline; the unsustainability of the social democratic state; and civilizational exhaustion." (9)
That we have been dragged down to the level of persecutory states rather than bastions of freedom look at the state persecution of Catholic priest Father Samuel. He had fled to Belgium to escape Muslim persecution of Christians in Turkey and was then persecuted by the Belgian state for “incitement to racist hatred” : the Government’s Inquisition agency, the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (CEOOR). He said in a 2002 television interview: “Every thoroughly Islamized Muslim child that is born in Europe is a time bomb for Western children in the future. The latter will be persecuted when they have become a minority".
The Belgian judiciary decided to try him before the penal court in Charleroi. He repeated his statement and that he would be honoured to go to jail for this. He added that Jesus too had been persecuted! In a sermon he called upon the faithful to accompany him to court. “We will turn this into an excursion, driving there in full buses.” The Aramaics are a Catholic minority in Syria and Turkey and speak an old Semitic language, which Jesus and the apostles used and so are a link with Christ. Mel Gibson used the language in “The Passion of the Christ". On his website and in sermons Father Samuel warns of “the islamic invasion” of the West and that Muslims are invading Europe and we face impending civil war. According to Father Samuel “so-called moderate Muslims do not exist". (10)
What we know as Eurabia is EU elites surrendering us to Islam by passing laws to oppress our attempts to defend our women and children, and allowing open immigration and making large donations to Palestinian groups like Hamas.
(3) Commons Hansard. The debate was in October 1958.
A Question of Colour. 1966. Peter Griffiths.(Leslie Frewin).
(6) ),9061,714247,00.html
Friday, 17 September 2010
The Way Out Of the Woods PT.2
People are too frightened to speak about what is being done to them or express their fears for the future. If they live in or near immigrants they blot anxiety out and pretend everything is alright. You only have to go a couple of miles from affected areas and people are oblivious to what is happening because the elites are browbeating them into thinking things are fine. If they have had experience of the reality when they go to unaffected areas, they won't speak about it for fear of condemnation.
They are frightened to look into the future and what natural care they have for their children has to be repressed.
As Enoch put it: "Have you ever wondered, perhaps, why opinions which the majority of people quite naturally hold are, if anyone dares express them publicly, denounced as 'controversial, 'extremist', 'explosive', 'disgraceful', and overwhelmed with a violence and venom quite unknown to debate on mere political issues? It is because the whole power of the aggressor depends upon preventing people from seeing what is happening and from saying what they see. "
There are symptoms of invasion: We are being displaced from our communities by immigrants and their descendants and our religous symbols are being replaced mainly by Muslim symbols: churches converted to mosques and Christians forbidden to wear crucifixes at work! Contemporary elites must know the facts of what Sharia Law is and of the widespread child-rape of young British girls by Muslim communities, yet they are delivering our women into servitude under Sharia Law. Many evil Judges campaign for it. In December 2008 the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips, told the London Muslim Council he was willing to have Sharia law in this country, so long as it did not conflict with the laws of England and Wales, or lead to the imposition of severe physical punishments. In the same month evil Lady Butler-Sloss, England's first female Appeal Court judge, called for ministers to change the law for Muslims, so that a decree absolute could not be issued by a civil court until evidence had been obtained of a Sharia divorce. Don’t these nonentities know that women are spoils of war? Delivering our women to Sharia Law is a cruel wicked act. This is encouraged by dishonourable Christian leaders like the Archbishop of Canterbury. (1)
Enoch warned of The Enemy Within and that our internal enemies could not believe their luck with mass immigration. It gave them the forces of revolution. It is not outside forces that threatened us, but traitors who pretend to represent us and act in our interests while they surrender us to Islam. This process can be researched under "Eurabia". The Revolutionary Vanguard is in power!
What was to come was predicted by Enoch: “Yet even though that picture is dark and darkening, there is one factor which has not yet been injected... That factor is firearms and explosives. With communities which are so divided nothing can prevent the injection of explosives which we know perfectly well from experience in other parts of the United Kingdom and the world. At first there will be horrified astonishment, and inquiry as to what we have done wrong that such things should be happening. Then there will be feverish endeavour to find methods to allay the supposed grievances which lie behind the violence. Then follows exploitation by those who use violence of the ascendancy they have thus gained over the majority and over authority. The thing goes forward, acting and reacting, until a position is reached in which—I shall dare say it—compared with those areas, Belfast today will seem an enviable place.” (2)
The open war begun on July 2005 when Young Muslims blew up London buses. There are hundreds of investigations being undertaken into Muslim "terrorists", but the elites are still importing them at half a million a year!(3)
Enoch warned: “Then there are the 'no-go' areas which have existed for the past eighteen months. It would be incredible, if it had not actually happened, that for a year and a half there should be areas in the United Kingdom where the Queen's writ does not run and where the citizen is protected, if protected at all, by persons and powers unknown to the law. If these areas were described as what they are—namely, pockets of territory occupied by the enemy, as surely as if they had been captured and held by parachute troops—then perhaps it would be realised how preposterous is the situation. In fact the policy of refraining from the re-establishment of civil government in these areas is as wise as it would be to leave enemy posts undisturbed behind one's lines.” (3)
Ov er the last 60 years the corrupt elites have passed race laws and established a totalitarian bureaucracy under the doublespeak title of Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) to suppress the rightful objections of indigenous people at immigrants replacing us. Even during the unprovoked invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq the elites were encouraging the people they were bombing to immigrate. What would people have thought during the last war if 1500 Germans a week were being allowed into the country?
The elites use misleading terms for terrorists like “ Un-Islamic activity” when it is a war carried out against us from within. The EU is importing angry Muslim youths into Europe – prepare for the civil war! Muslims marched through Europe chanting “Jews to the gas” the establishment played it down -allowing it to develop.
Roughly 80% of the population are opposed to immigration and always have been and this is shown in opinion polls!. Recently, Gordon Brown admitted there is a consensus among mainstream parties in favour of immigration. The dominant political elites are at war with the native population. Immigration has no legitimacy and we have both a moral and legal duty to reverse it. Its complicated by each different group hating each other - Somalians hating West Indians; Pakistanis hating Indians; West Indians and Somalians hating Asians; Indians hating West Indians; Poles hating Russians and Latvians. There are historical examples of one group invading, but our contemporary situation is several ethnic groups deliberately brought here and all waging war against us in different ways. Yet each way clearly shows the nature of the attacks which are masked by terms like “Black on White" crime, but are actually race wars against Whites. The number of White women assaulted, raped and murdered by Blacks is so high it can only be described as a Race War. The widespread gang-rapes of White girls often as young as 12 by older Muslims is an act of War by different means – guerilla war. (5)
Like China our elites use official censorship to prevent rebellion through the internet! An Internet censorship bill passed the House of Commons allows government to restrict and filter any website that is deemed to be "undesirable for public consumption." This is not through the Lords yet, but as they are placemen it will probably go through.
The Sunday Times ( London ) June 11, 2006 reported that Rear Admiral Chris Parry, a senior military strategist has warned that “Europe, including Britain , could be undermined by large immigrant groups with little allegiance to their host countries—a “reverse colonisation” as Parry described it. These groups would stay connected to their homelands by the internet and cheap flight. The warnings by Parry of what could threaten Britain over the next 30 years were delivered to senior officers and industry experts at a conference. The result for Britain and Europe, could be “like the 5th century Roman empire facing the Goths and the Vandals”. “Globalisation makes assimilation seem redundant and old-fashioned … the process acts as a sort of reverse colonisation, where groups of people are self-contained, going back and forth between their countries, exploiting sophisticated networks and using instant communication on phones and the internet.”
Lord Boyce, the former chief of the defence staff, welcomed Parry’s analysis. “Bringing it together in this way shows we have some very serious challenges ahead,” he said. “The real problem is getting them taken seriously at the top of the government.” How have the decadent, emasculate authorities responded?
Chief of the Armed forces, General Sir David Richards, launched an organisation for Muslims in the armed forces - The Armed Forces Muslim Association. How many al-Qaeda supporters are in the British military? There are at least 8 in the police and the police refuse to remove them!
There is violent ethnic cleansing of Whites in Zimbabwe, and in South Africa the genocide of white farmers. Why won’t it happen here? I have had correspondence from a young man who was a firm supporter of multi-racialism until he happened on the EDL demonstration against the Dudley mosque and went to look. When he got within a quarter of a mile he was issued with a Dispersement Order by the police. Later as he made his way back he encountered roving gangs of young Muslim males tooled up with knives and Machettes hunting anyone white with a short haircut or union flag on their clothing. The elites have created open warfare throughout Europe but the media suppress that knowledge and mislead people into thinking things are working out.
The police attack the EDL with truncheons funnelling them into tight wedges as at Hillsborough. In Leeds they continued to attack them while they were falling over each other. Yet, when Muslims chased them calling them cowards and poofs, they ran away.
As a supplement to political activity we need to be based in local communities. Help and advise those affected by the anti-White policies of the elites, tap into the problems of local people and open advice surgeries. This will take time and money but we represent our community, not the Established elites. Rather than trying to take the elites at their own game, fight on our own ground. Help those who get displaced by immigrants, those who the state discriminate against. Don't just tell their stories, represent them.
Promote the work on the main site and involve the loyal bloggers to counter biased media representation, thereby showing exactly what it means to be part of a community-based politics. Concentrate energy on things that can be changed, for this is going to be a long haul.
Patriots need to recognise the diminishing power of Parliament. There are more practical things to consider urgently. Those who believe in civil disobedience be warned, after police violence against The English Defence League. In “Scared Yet,” on the “England Expects” blog, Libertarian Party leader Ian Parker-Joseph revealed that the M.O.D. were asking military personnel: “Will you open fire on UK citizens?… In a stunning conversation with a friend, who is a serving member of the Armed Forces, over the weekend, it was revealed that transfers to regiments and other units in the UK on home duties are being undertaken by the MOD based upon whether an individual was prepared to ‘open fire’ on UK citizens during civil disturbances.” This is corroborated by Dr. Richard North who revealed that the M.O.D. was buying up “unusually large quantities of tear gas and other riot equipment.”
We are part of a wider genocide: In Britain members of the ruling elites have admitted it. Andrew Neather admitted it and Migration Watch had secret government documents released under the freedom of Information Act are bases for another Nuremberg trial! Imposed Multi-Racialism with the admitted intention of the physical destruction of Whites is an organized crime against humanity. The humiliation, dispossession and gradual destruction of Whites, from Canada to Sweden to Africa is: The largest campaign of ethnic cleansing in recorded history.
The lessons we derive from the foregoing are firstly, the need to move closer together. In a sense we are pioneers in our own country and need to relocate and form new communities of self defence. In view of the tyrannical power over the internet our enemy government are going to take we need to develop lines of communication between our communities. If large roads become impassable, use bicycles especially with carriers.
Muslim vigilantes drive around an area just outside the territory they are taking over and threatening dissolute types like alcoholics, drunks and prostitutes as they clean up the area for their people to move into. They also claiming territory by opening mosques which are cultural and community centres as well as ideological training grounds for street soldiers. The imposition all over the country of no-go areas is prohibiting indigenous Brits from entering their territory. Like us, they need areas of their own where they can bring their children up within their own cultural womb so they make life difficult for indigenous residents to drive them out and, as the police and council authorities are on their side against the locals, the locals move out. This is euphemistically called “White flight.”
This "White Flight," If organised, is a key to our survival.
Succesive governments are one elite and have been acting illegally under the UN Genocide Act which nullifies our obligation to maintain the multi-racial state. In 2000 The Guardian predicted a white minority Britain by 2100, thus tacitly accepting our replacement. Around 8 years ago The Birmingham Post quoted a former senior Central TV official as saying we must prepare people for Muslims to become the majority. Jans Orbeck former Swedish PM admitted Muslims would take over.
How are we to cope with this?
We begin by asking ourselves questions. Will our children get a better education away from immigrant schools? Will they be safer from the knife and gun crime perpetrated by immigrants? What influence could we exert from outside? Is it worth risking getting mugged or stabbed on the tube commuting to city jobs? Businesses are cheaper to run outside cities.
I strongly disagree with ceding our territory to invaders, but to rally ourselves and find the right mental attitude we need to regroup elsewhere and consolidate ready to re-colonise. We are already being ethnically cleansed and must not passively submit. We should bring direction into this by moving out, boycott immigrant shops and use only our own. Get children educated in white schools or Home School so they don't get brainwashed, de-cultured or turned into sexual perverts by State education.
They are our children and our responsibility and we should be planning a decent future for them. One day the children will want children and there'll be nowhere safe to go. We have to get involved in every aspect of life - local organisations, folk societies, school governors and home schooling and start our own credit unions. We need to form committees like alternative councils with proper banking and verified officers and proper banking to counter having our communities taken off us.
To be practical we must consider the logistics we will need. The arteries of goods and supply are now housed in large warehouses near motorways and hence to outlying areas. This is something for us to do when the mass civil unrest erupts. There are fields to buy in the country and allotments could help.. (5)
We must stop squandering money on the shallow distractions the media and adverts encourage, like expensive and unnecessary cosmetics. Young, indigenous women are naturally beautiful and don’t need to slap this expensive rubbish all over their faces. You don’t have to squander your resources on clubbing, booze and dope. Ours are misled by politicians, football, TV and adverts – have your boobs expanded. They are constantly advertising marked-up cosmetics. Save the money and invest in your communities and future generations. Set out to be economically powerful and through communal credit unions open our own shops.
We are in the position immigrants were when they first came - surrounded by hostile ethnic groups. They worked hard and clubbed together to start buying houses. They started with unfashionable run down areas like Upper Parliament Street in Liverpool and Chapletown in Leeds which were once fashionable large houses in the inner cities. The working classes had been moved onto large estates and the middle classes were in the suburbs. The immigrants began penetrating the centres of cities like London which are the most economically and culturally important.
They have been putting down roots and encourage their children to study for the professions and get into positions of influence and jobs that yield a pension because they believe in building for the future not escape from life. We have to think communally and build up the strength of our communities as mutual support structures like extended families used to be. The ownership of land gives power to these rival communities. When the authorities bend the rules to allow them to take things off us they are allowing new people to take over. The authorities over ride local communities to give power and influence over them to immigrants by granting planning permission.
In several speeches Enoch warned that it is the heartlands of our towns and cities that are being colonised but now outsiders are officially given priority over us. The new Planning Guidelines state that the interests of ‘Travellers’ should take precedence over our (settled) communities. They already have priority for getting their children into popular schools and treatment on the NHS. Now, they are to be enabled to build caravan sites on green belt land, and this affects also people far away from immigrant areas. We are being dispossessed because we are White.
An idea was put forward in The Spectator of 17th December 2005 by conservative philosopher Roger Scruton: “Neighbours should club together to buy small parcels of land from any desperate farming neighbour, thereafter renting it back to him at a peppercorn rent. This we have done in our neighbourhood, so saving ourselves both from travellers and agribusiness, by injecting needed capital into a family farm… If we wish to retain our countryside, it is up to us who live there to make the necessary sacrifices.” This applies to forming collectives to buy property in our towns and cities.
There is a positive, wholesome vision in this. It is one of rebuilding and developing a fund like The Jewish National Fund to restore British neighbourhoods. We should invite our diaspora: Australians, Canadians and, as they themselves are victims of genocide the Zimbabweans and South Africans to return to Britain for their sake as well as ours. The government won’t like it, but as they are our enemies we must ignore them.(6)
The way out of this is by co-operating with other endangered groups like the Jewish communities. In January 2009 Muslims marched through European cities chanting “Jews to the gas” but the media played it down thus allowing it to fester. The difficulty at the moment is that Jewish people still think White Christians are the danger to them, but the mass importation of Muslims has changed everything. The historical difficulties between the two peoples is not so important while Muslims physically attack Jews in France and Malmo, Sweden and Norway and take our countries off us. As an expedient we have to co-operate for our common defence.
The Financial Times of 21 November 2003 reported that the EU's racism watchdog shelved a report on anti-Semitism because it found Muslims and pro-Palestinian groups were perpetrating most racist attacks. The report, "was judged inflammatory" and buried. "The decision not to publish was a political decision." The page from the paper is no longer available online! One thing we need is a community defence force like the Jewish CST and we can learn from them in setting one up to protect our people.
When the immigrants started to arrive they were surrounded by us and fortified by our welfare system and they were resourceful. Many will not want this inconvenience, but it is being forced on us and it is best to go purposefully not aimlessly. After consolidating in our own areas we must then start moving into Muslim areas to re-take them.
1 ;
(2) The Salisbury Review The take over of the East End -
(4) Speech in the House of Commons on the consequences of immigration (24 May, 1976), from A Nation or No Nation? Six Years in British Politics (Elliot Right Way Books, 1977), p. 161.
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